This firm called 00059962 was registered on 1898-12-17 as a private limited company. This firm head office was registered in Leeds on Geoffrey Martin & Company, 30 Park Cross Street. The address zip code is LS1 2QH. The company reg. no. for 00059962 Limited was 00059962. 00059962 Limited had been active for one hundred and twenty four years up until 2022-02-22. The company was known as Craven Fawcett until 1997-06-23, when the name was changed to Cf Distribution. The final was known as came on 2014-09-17.
Martin H., Victor C., Michael W. and 2 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of our website were listed as company's directors and were running the company for 26 years.