The day this company was started is 1968-03-25. Registered under company registration number 00929417, the firm is considered a Private Limited Company. You may find the headquarters of the firm during business times under the following address: 1 City Square Leeds, LS1 2AL Leeds city centre. The company's name switch from Senior Thermal Engineering to 00929417 Limited came on 1997-02-25. The enterprise's declared SIC number is 2852, that means General mechanical engineering. Its latest financial reports cover the period up to 2004-04-30 and the most current annual return was filed on 2004-06-08.
According to the data we have, this particular limited company was founded fifty seven years ago and has so far been steered by twenty five directors, and out this collection of individuals two (Jonathan T. and John M.) are still in the management. To find professional help with legal documentation, this specific limited company has been utilizing the skillset of Luiza D. as a secretary since March 2005.