G2 6AY

Basic information

Northing 665309
Easting 258644
Grid Reference NS586653
City/Town Glasgow
Latitude 55.860184
Longitude -4.260066
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
The G2 6AY post code, implemented on 1980-01-01, can be found at 55.860184 latitude and -4.260066 longitude. The OS grid ref for this post code is NS586653 (258644,665309). There are 221 businesses registered under this post code. The nearest restaurant is called Piece and it is placed 0.033 mile from this post code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Hope Street, located at the following address: 47 Hope Street, Strathclyde. If you are interested in the nearest bank, visit Santander at 2, Bothwell Street, only 0.095 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, go for Crumbs, the nearest one within a distance of 0.038 mile. Crumbs is located at the following address: 10 Waterloo Street. If you want to visit the most adjacent bar, its name is Pivo Pivo and it is located at the following address: 15 Waterloo Street. Pivo Pivo bar is just 0.001 mile from this post code.

Banks nearby

Santander 2
Bank of Scotland Grosvenor Centre 76 Gordon Street
TSB 180 West George Street
Allied Irish Bank 227 West George Street
The Co-operative Bank 29 Gordon Street

Restaurants nearby

The Smokin' Fox
Caffe Nero
Starbucks Coffee Company Storey Ground
The Grill On The Corner Storey Ground

Takeaways nearby

Social Bite

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Pivo Pivo
Kitty O'Shea
Rhoderick Dhu

The biggest companies: