Basic information

Northing 182380
Easting 529947
Grid Reference TQ299823
City/Town London
Latitude 51.525391
Longitude -0.128241
Date Introduced 1999-06-01
The WC1H 9BQ postcode, registered on 1999-06-01, can be found at 51.525391 latitude and -0.128241 longitude. The OS grid ref for that postcode is TQ299823 (529947,182380). There are 2930 companies situated in that postcode. The nearest restaurant is called Mary Ward House and it can be found 0.046 mile from that postcode. You can use the nearest post office - Marchmont Street, situated at 33 Marchmont Street, Greater London. If you need the nearest bank, try Natwest at Po Box 83, only 0.069 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Pret A Manger, the nearest one within a distance of 0.096 mile. Pret A Manger is situated at Lynton House. If you feel like visiting the nearest bar, its name is Jacques Wine Bar and it is situated at Tavistock Hotel. Jacques Wine Bar bar is only 0.079 mile from that postcode.

Banks nearby

NatWest Po Box 83
HSBC 1 Woburn Place
Barclays Bank Branch - Kings Cross
Halifax Unit 52 The Brunswick
Santander UCL University

Restaurants nearby

Mary Ward House Mary Ward House
British Medical Association Tavistock House
Wing Wing
Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes Tavistock Hotel
Fare of London Woburn House

Takeaways nearby

Pret a Manger Lynton House
San Marzano
Gozleme Club St Pancras Parish Church

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Jacques Wine Bar Tavistock Hotel
Woolfe and Whistle Tavistock Hotel
Bannatyne Health Club
The Resting Hare Pub
County Hotel Ground Floor Bar County Hotel

The biggest companies: