Basic information

Northing 386287
Easting 361416
Grid Reference SJ614862
City/Town Warrington
Latitude 53.37203
Longitude -2.581381
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Cheshire
The WA4 6SG post code, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.37203 latitude and -2.581381 longitude. The OS grid reference for the post code is SJ614862 (361416,386287). There are 68 firms located within the post code. The nearest restaurant is Dough and Liquor and it is situated 0 mile from the post code. You can visit the closest post office - Stockton Heath, situated at the following address: 34 - 36 London Road, Cheshire. If you seek the nearest bank, try Hsbc at 69 London Road, only 0.052 mile away. When you need a takeaway, try Butter Wouldn't Melt, the nearest one within a distance of 0.001 mile. Butter Wouldn't Melt is situated at the following address: 5 London Road. If you need the closest bar, its name is Red Lion and it is situated at the following address: 58-60 London Road. Red Lion bar is only 0.032 mile from the post code.

Banks nearby

HSBC 69 London Road
Lloyds Bank 48-50 London Road
NatWest 74 London Road
Barclays Bank 19 Walton Road
Skipton Building Society 17-19 Bridge Street

Restaurants nearby

Dough and Liquor
Morley Cheeks (Stockton Heath) Limited
Ric's Kitchen
Zalo's Cafe
Pure Indulgence Unit 4

Takeaways nearby

Butter Wouldn't Melt
India India
Italian Express
Italian Express

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Red Lion
Mulberry Tree Inn
Gin Alley Unit 4
Costello's Unit 3
The Wine Bar