Basic information

Northing 383341
Easting 357537
Grid Reference SJ575833
City/Town Warrington
Latitude 53.345253
Longitude -2.639281
Date Introduced 2005-03-01
County Cheshire
The WA4 4FS zip code, registered on 2005-03-01, can be found at 53.345253 latitude and -2.639281 longitude. The OS grid ref for the zip code is SJ575833 (357537,383341). There are 150 companies situated within the zip code. The nearest restaurant is called Daresbury Laboratory Restaurant and Waterside Cafe and it is situated 0.164 mile from the zip code. You can use the closest post office - Moore, situated at 32 Runcorn Road, Cheshire. If you seek the nearest bank, go to Santander at 12, Orchard Walk, Halton Lea, only 3.267 miles away. When you seek a takeaway, try Windmill Hill Supper Bar, the nearest one within a distance of 1.675 miles. Windmill Hill Supper Bar is situated at Windmill Hill Avenue West. If you are looking for the closest bar, its name is Ring O Bells Hotel and it is situated at Chester Road. Ring O Bells Hotel bar is just 0.512 mile from the zip code.

Banks nearby

Santander 12
RBS 10 Runcorn Shopping City
Halifax 35 Orchard Walk
Nationwide 112 River Walk
Barclays Bank 19 Walton Road

Restaurants nearby

Daresbury Laboratory Restaurant and Waterside Cafe Keckwick Lane
Dormouse Tea Rooms Chester Road
The Lewis Carroll Centre Daresbury Lane
B&M Staff Canteen Manor Park Road
Atos Staff Canteen 1 Evenwood Close

Takeaways nearby

Windmill Hill Supper Bar Windmill Hill Avenue West
Food To Go (At Spar) 2 Bridgewater Grange
Murdishaw Supper Bar The Ridgeway
Rodders Rolls (Mobile Food Unit) Trading: Rivington Road
Subway - Murdishaw Unit 1 Murdishaw Local Centre

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Ring O Bells Hotel Chester Road
The Red Lion, 119 Runcorn Road
Red Lion 119 Runcorn Road
Moore RUFC Moss Lane
Sandymoor Community Centre Otterburn Street

The biggest companies: