Basic information

Northing 181934
Easting 528645
Grid Reference TQ286819
City/Town London
Latitude 51.521681
Longitude -0.147161
Date Introduced 2000-12-01
The W1G 7AJ zip code, implemented on 2000-12-01, can be found at 51.521681 latitude and -0.147161 longitude. The OS grid reference for this zip code is TQ286819 (528645,181934). There are 2815 companies registered within this zip code. The nearest restaurant is Royal Institute Of British Architects and it is placed 0.101 mile from this zip code. You can visit the closest post office - Great Portland Street (173), situated under the following address: 173 Great Portland Street, Greater London. If you have to go to the nearest bank, visit Natwest at Po Box 2027, only 0.24 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Shushi Shop, the nearest one within a distance of 0.254 mile. Shushi Shop is situated under the following address: 67-69 Weymouth Street. If you are looking for the closest bar, its name is Jackolope and it is situated under the following address: 43 Weymouth Mews. Jackolope bar is just 0.123 mile from this zip code.

Banks nearby

NatWest Po Box 2027
HSBC 117 Great Portland Street
Santander 27
NatWest Po Box 2021
Lloyds Bank 8 Marylebone High Street

Restaurants nearby

Royal Institute Of British Architects 76-78 Portland Place
Royal Institute Of British Architects RIBA 66 Portland Place
RIBA Eateries 66 Portland Place
CH&Co @ Academy Of Medical Sciences (AMS) 41 Portland Place
The Clock 42 Wimpole Street

Takeaways nearby

Shushi Shop 67-69 Weymouth Street
Greggs 111 - 113 Great Portland Street
Amanzi Tea 24 New Cavendish Street
Crazy Pizza 7 Paddington Street
LABORATORIO PIZZA 110 Great Portland Street

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Jackolope 43 Weymouth Mews
Masons Arms Public House 58 Devonshire Street
Inn 1888 21A Devonshire Street
The Albany 240-242 Great Portland Street
Kings Head Public House 13 Westmoreland Street

The biggest companies: