The SM1 2NB zip code, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 51.373012 latitude and -0.207005 longitude. The OS grid ref for this zip code is TQ248652 (524898,165298).
There are 530 firms reported under this zip code.
The nearest restaurant is called Giraffe and it is placed 0.001 mile from this zip code. You can use the most adjacent post office - Sutton Common Road, located at 364 Sutton Common Road.
If you seek the nearest bank, try Rbs at 216-220 High Street, only 0.825 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Mcdonald's, the nearest one within a distance of 0.001 mile. Mcdonald's is located at 45 Oldfields Road. If you are looking for the most adjacent bar, its name is Gander Inn and it is located at The Gander Public House. Gander Inn bar is just 0.158 mile from this zip code.