Basic information

Northing 384656
Easting 388933
Grid Reference SJ889846
City/Town Stockport
Latitude 53.358667
Longitude -2.167747
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Cheshire
The SK7 2BE postal code, established on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.358667 latitude and -2.167747 longitude. The OS grid reference for this postal code is SJ889846 (388933,384656). There are 215 firms located in this postal code. The closest restaurant is The Bubble Room Bar & Restaurant Limited and it is placed 0.058 mile from this postal code. You can visit the nearest post office - Bramhall, situated under the following address: Maple Road, Cheshire. If you have to go to the closest bank, go to Natwest at 21 Bramhall Lane South, only 0.123 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Fosters Fish & Chips, the closest one within a distance of 0.116 mile. Fosters Fish & Chips is situated under the following address: 193 Moss Lane. If you seek the nearest bar, its name is Nook & Broom Bramhall and it is situated under the following address: 9 - 11 Bramhall Lane South. Nook & Broom Bramhall bar is only 0.11 mile from this postal code.

Banks nearby

NatWest 21 Bramhall Lane South
RBS 50 Bramhall Lane South
Barclays Bank 14 Woodford Road
Santander 3
HSBC 42 Woodford Road

Restaurants nearby

The Bubble Room Bar & Restaurant Limited 2-4 Ack Lane East
Victorian The New Victorian
Long Bar & Kitchen 8 Ack Lane East
PIX PIZZA 14-15 The Bramhall Centre
Plumcake Cafe 11 The Bramhall Centre

Takeaways nearby

Fosters Fish & Chips 193 Moss Lane
The Drawing Room 3 Bramhall Lane South
Bramhall Lane Indian Takeaway 10A Bramhall Lane South
NEW WOK'S COOKING 16 Bramhall Lane South
Janna Express Cafe 1 Woodford Road

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Nook & Broom Bramhall 9 - 11 Bramhall Lane South
The Crown & Conspirator Bramhall Ltd 26 Bramhall Lane South
Seventy Eight Degrees Limited 9 Woodford Road
Bramhall Queensgate Sports Club Queensgate Sports Club
Woodford British Legion The Royal British Legion

The biggest companies: