The SK4 2HG zip code, registered on 1999-06-01, can be found at 53.406878 latitude and -2.176692 longitude. The OS grid ref for this zip code is SJ883900 (388351,390021).
There are 92 companies reported under this zip code.
The nearest restaurant is called Baxter Storey @ CDL and it is placed 0.083 mile from this zip code. You can use the most adjacent post office - Edgeley, situated at 87 Castle Street, Cheshire.
If you have to use the nearest bank, visit Lloyds Bank at Edgeley, 131-135 Castle Street, Edgeley, Stockport, Greater Manchester, only 0.622 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, go for Kathleen Burgon Expert Catering Ltd, the nearest one within a distance of 0.242 mile. Kathleen Burgon Expert Catering Ltd is situated at Unit E5. If you need the most adjacent bar, its name is Ye Olde Woolpack and it is situated at 70 Brinksway. Ye Olde Woolpack bar is only 0.138 mile from this zip code.