Basic information

Northing 389606
Easting 389382
Grid Reference SJ893896
City/Town Stockport
Latitude 53.40317
Longitude -2.161169
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Cheshire
The SK3 8AX postcode, implemented on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.40317 latitude and -2.161169 longitude. The OS grid ref for this postcode is SJ893896 (389382,389606). There are 1695 businesses registered in this postcode. The nearest restaurant is called Sandwich Corner and it is placed 0.068 mile from this postcode. You can visit the nearest post office - Grosvenor, situated at the following address: Bp Srv Stn Prepaid Returns Only, 157 Wellington Road South, Cheshire. If you have to go to the nearest bank, try Rbs at 2 Castle Street, only 0.127 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Sandwich Corner, the nearest one within a distance of 0.068 mile. Sandwich Corner is situated at the following address: 15 Greek Street. If you seek the nearest bar, its name is The Armoury and it is situated at the following address: Armoury Inn. The Armoury bar is just 0.052 mile from this postcode.

Banks nearby

RBS 2 Castle Street
Clydesdale Bank 34 Princes Street Stockport
Lloyds Bank Edgeley, 131-135 Castle Street, Edgeley, Stockport, Greater Manchester
The Co-operative Bank 1 St Peters Square
Santander 66-68 Merseyway

Restaurants nearby

Sandwich Corner 15 Greek Street
Relish Cafe 18A Greek Street
Sandwich Corner 15 Greek Street
Tina's Greek Street 18A Greek Street
Greek St Cafe 18A Greek Street

Takeaways nearby

Sandwich Corner 15 Greek Street
Mustaph's 11 Castle Street
Mustaph's 11 Castle Street
Aphrodite's 67 Shaw Heath
The Traditional MED Kitchen Ltd 67 Shaw Heath

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Armoury Armoury Inn
Tom Crawford Pub Management Ltd 15 Castle Street
Jolly Crofter 15 Castle Street
Nelson Tavern 98 Wellington Road South
NELSON TAVERN 98 Wellington Road South

The biggest companies: