The NR3 1JU post code, established on 1991-09-01, can be found at 52.634953 latitude and 1.296307 longitude, in Norfolk County county. The OS grid ref for the post code is TG231092 (623149,309235).
There are 129 firms registered under the post code.
The closest restaurant is called La Petite - Caffe and it is situated 0.009 mile from the post code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Magdalen Street, situated under the following address: 77 - 87 Magdalen Street.
If you are interested in the closest bank, go to Barclays Bank at Branch - Norwich Whitefriars, only 0.217 mile away. When you need a takeaway, try Magdalen Kebab And Pizza, the closest one within a distance of 0.069 mile. Magdalen Kebab And Pizza is situated under the following address: 6 Magdalen Street. If you need the most adjacent bar, its name is Kings Head Public House and it is situated under the following address: 42 Magdalen Street. Kings Head Public House bar is only 0.008 mile from the post code.