The NR14 7DU zip code, implemented on 1980-01-01, can be found at 52.6002 latitude and 1.355866 longitude, in Norfolk County county. The OS grid reference for the zip code is TG273055 (627358,305557).
There are 177 firms situated under the zip code.
The nearest restaurant is Brasteds and it is situated 1.046 miles from the zip code. You can use the most adjacent post office - Framingham Earl, situated under the following address: Norwich Road, Framingham Earl.
If you have to go to the nearest bank, go to Hsbc at 21 Meridian Way, only 2.071 miles away. When you seek a takeaway, go for Thorpe Fish Bar, the nearest one within a distance of 1.959 miles. Thorpe Fish Bar is situated under the following address: 188 Yarmouth Road. If you are looking for the most adjacent bar, its name is The Old Feathers and it is situated under the following address: Fox Road. The Old Feathers bar is just 0.505 mile from the zip code.