Basic information

Northing 308551
Easting 623092
Grid Reference TG230085
City/Town Norwich
Latitude 52.628837
Longitude 1.295005
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Norfolk County
The NR1 3DE zip code, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 52.628837 latitude and 1.295005 longitude, in Norfolk County county. The OS grid reference for the zip code is TG230085 (623092,308551). There are 588 businesses located under the zip code. The nearest restaurant is First Cafe and it is situated 0.001 mile from the zip code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Castle Mall, situated at 84 - 85 Castle Meadow Walk, Castle Mall. If you seek the nearest bank, go to Virgin Money at 10 Castle Street, only 0.041 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Logans, the nearest one within a distance of 0.044 mile. Logans is situated at 5 Swan Lane. If you need the most adjacent bar, its name is Space Studio Bars and it is situated at 5 Swan Lane. Space Studio Bars bar is only 0.044 mile from the zip code.

Transport companies nearby


Banks nearby

Virgin Money 10 Castle Street
HSBC 18 London Street
Virgin Money 4B Castle Street
Skipton Building Society 46 London Street
Halifax 12 Gentlemans Walk

Restaurants nearby

First Cafe First And Second Floors
Cafe W 11 - 17 Castle Street
The Ivy Norwich Brasserie 30 London Street
Harriets Cafe Tea Rooms 38 London Street
Virgin Money Norwich Lounge 10 Castle Street

Takeaways nearby

Logans 5 Swan Lane
Logans 5 Swan Lane
Ji The Chicken Shop 46 London Street
Subway 52 London Street
Jacksons 17 - 19 Castle Meadow

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Space Studio Bars 5 Swan Lane
The Walnut Tree Shades Walnut Tree Shades
Frank's Bar 19 Bedford Street
The Wld Man 29 Bedford Street
The Wild Man 29 Bedford Street

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