Basic information

Northing 268265
Easting 481154
Grid Reference SP811682
City/Town Northampton
Latitude 52.306516
Longitude -0.811157
Date Introduced 1992-01-01
County Northamptonshire County
The NN6 0BG zip code, registered on 1992-01-01, can be found at 52.306516 latitude and -0.811157 longitude, in Northamptonshire County county. The OS grid ref for the zip code is SP811682 (481154,268265). There are 314 firms reported within the zip code. The nearest restaurant is called The No 1 Food People Pilots Mess and it is situated 1.164 miles from the zip code. You can use the closest post office - Overstone, located at 66 Sywell Road, Overstone. If you have to go to the nearest bank, try Nationwide at 18/19 Weston Favell Centre, only 3.615 miles away. When you need a takeaway, try Aliano Pizza & Grill, the nearest one within a distance of 2.286 miles. Aliano Pizza & Grill is located at Unit 2, Southfields Local Centre. If you are looking for the closest bar, its name is Overstone Park Cricket Club and it is located at Cricket Club. Overstone Park Cricket Club bar is only 0.842 mile from the zip code.

Transport companies nearby


Banks nearby

Nationwide 18/19 Weston Favell Centre
NatWest 41 Weston Favell Centre
Barclays Bank Local - Weston Favell
Nationwide Kings Park Road
Santander Park Campus

Restaurants nearby

The No 1 Food People Pilots Mess Site A Units 12B
Whetherdays Plant Nursery Whetherdays
Wetherdays Nurseries Whetherdays
Caterlink @ Newnham Primary Newnham Primary School

Takeaways nearby

Aliano Pizza & Grill Unit 2, Southfields Local Centre
Phoenix Pizza, Grill and Kebab Unit 2, Southfields Local Centre
Blackthorn Tandoori Unit 9
Wong's 5 Marshleys Court
Rays Kebabs Unit 4, 40 Blackthorn Road

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Overstone Park Cricket Club Cricket Club
The Horseshoe 2 Overstone Road
Sywell Leisure Sports Ltd 68 Ecton Lane
Overstone Lake Restaurant Overstone Lakes Caravan Park
The White Swan Main Street

The biggest companies: