The NN4 9BS postcode, registered on 2008-09-01, can be found at 52.214683 latitude and -0.944332 longitude, in Northamptonshire County county. The OS grid reference for this postcode is SP722579 (472223,257910).
There are 81 companies located within this postcode.
The nearest restaurant is Graysons Restaurants and it is placed 0.173 mile from this postcode. You can visit the closest post office - Camp Hill, situated at the following address: Unidrug Pharmacy, Hunsbury Hill Road.
If you need the nearest bank, visit Nationwide at 40 Main Road, only 1.973 miles away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Costa Drive-Through, the nearest one within a distance of 0.397 mile. Costa Drive-Through is situated at the following address: Costa Coffee. If you are looking for the closest bar, its name is Old White Hart (The) and it is situated at the following address: Cotton End. Old White Hart (The) bar is just 0.001 mile from this postcode.