Basic information

Northing 339497
Easting 457737
Grid Reference SK577394
City/Town Nottingham
Latitude 52.949759
Longitude -1.142132
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
The NG1 7HR postcode, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 52.949759 latitude and -1.142132 longitude. The OS grid ref for the postcode is SK577394 (457737,339497). There are 497 companies located within the postcode. The nearest restaurant is called Just Lunch and it is situated 0.05 mile from the postcode. You can visit the closest post office - The Meadows, situated under the following address: 24 Bridgeway Center. If you have to use the nearest bank, visit Hsbc at 19/21 Lister Gate, only 0.341 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Boots D94 Takeaway, the nearest one within a distance of 0.109 mile. Boots D94 Takeaway is situated under the following address: The Boots Co Plc. If you are looking for the closest bar, its name is Fletcher's Bar & Restaurant and it is situated under the following address: Nottingham College City Hub. Fletcher's Bar & Restaurant bar is only 0.086 mile from the postcode.

Banks nearby

HSBC 19/21 Lister Gate
Leeds Building Society 23 Listergate
Barclays Bank Branch - Nottingham
Virgin Money 11 Smithy Row
Yorkshire Bank 11 Smithy Row

Restaurants nearby

Just Lunch Lace Market Self Serve
Bar Sans Patrie
Food for Thought College Cafe Nottingham College City Hub
Aurora Restaurant
ViDa by Lorentes

Takeaways nearby

Boots D94 Takeaway The Boots Co Plc
Sherwood Suppers Ground And First Floors
Vintage Reclaimed Ltd
Flavour Of Hockley
Lace Market Fish Bar

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Fletcher's Bar & Restaurant Nottingham College City Hub
The Newshouse The Newshouse Public House
The News House News House
The Loom
The Lacehouse Broadway Business Centre

The biggest companies: