Basic information

Northing 339762
Easting 456854
Grid Reference SK568397
City/Town Nottingham
Latitude 52.952235
Longitude -1.155226
Date Introduced 2003-02-01
The NG1 6HH zip code, registered on 2003-02-01, can be found at 52.952235 latitude and -1.155226 longitude. The OS grid reference for the zip code is SK568397 (456854,339762). There are 302 firms registered under the zip code. The nearest restaurant is 4550 Miles from Delhi and it is situated 0.043 mile from the zip code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Nottingham, located at Queen Street. If you are interested in the nearest bank, visit Coutts at 6th Floor, only 0.023 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try The Watch Cafe 2 Cic, the nearest one within a distance of 0.07 mile. The Watch Cafe 2 Cic is located at Central Police Station, Byron House. If you need the most adjacent bar, its name is Robin 7 Lodge & Bistro and it is located at 9-11 St James's Terrace. Robin 7 Lodge & Bistro bar is just 0.047 mile from the zip code.

Banks nearby

Coutts 6th Floor
Skipton Building Society 19 Angel Row
Virgin Money 4 Beastmarket Hill St James Street
TSB 7 Beast Market Hill
RBS 8 South Parade

Restaurants nearby

4550 Miles from Delhi
4550 Miles From Delhi
4550 Miles From Delhi
Caribe Restaurant & Bar
Bro Bro Jerk Limited

Takeaways nearby

The Watch Cafe 2 CIC Central Police Station, Byron House
Viet 80s
The Hot Wok
Brown Bettys

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Robin 7 Lodge & Bistro
The Roundhouse The Roundhouse
The Round House The Roundhouse
Crafty Crow

The biggest companies: