The NE2 3AE postal code, established on 1980-01-01, can be found at 54.986198 latitude and -1.609563 longitude. The OS grid reference for the postal code is NZ250658 (425083,565803).
There are 150 firms registered within the postal code.
The closest restaurant is Batch and it is situated 0.037 mile from the postal code. You can visit the closest post office - Jesmond, located under the following address: St Georges Terrace, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear.
If you are interested in the closest bank, try Santander at Northumbria University, Student Union Building, only 0.416 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Country Whey, the closest one within a distance of 0.037 mile. Country Whey is located under the following address: 8 Clayton Road. If you seek the closest bar, its name is Collingwood Arms and it is located under the following address: Collingwood Arms Brandling Place. Collingwood Arms bar is just 0.082 mile from the postal code.