Basic information

Northing 434468
Easting 428468
Grid Reference SE284344
City/Town Leeds
Latitude 53.805736
Longitude -1.569206
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Yorkshire
The LS6 1PY postcode, implemented on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.805736 latitude and -1.569206 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. postcode is SE284344 (428468,434468). There are 1511 businesses located under the a.m. postcode. The nearest restaurant is called Woodsley Food Hub and it is located 0.017 mile from the a.m. postcode. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Woodsley Road, located at 20 Woodsley Road, West Yorkshire. If you have to go to the nearest bank, visit Yorkshire Bank at 18 Woodsley Road, only 0.018 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, try Fresh Bakery, the nearest one within a distance of 0.001 mile. Fresh Bakery is located at 19 Hyde Park Road. If you seek the most adjacent bar, its name is Royal Park Hotel and it is located at 39 Queens Road. Royal Park Hotel bar is only 0.277 mile from the a.m. postcode.

Banks nearby

Yorkshire Bank 18 Woodsley Road
Santander LGF
HSBC 27 Blenheim Terrace
Barclays Bank 25 Blenheim Terrace
HSBC 4 Otley Road

Restaurants nearby

Woodsley Food Hub Community Centre
Dewan Cafe Restaurant 18 Woodsley Road
Mythos Greek LTD 30 Woodsley Road
Moroccoriental Ground Floor
Greek Me Up 82 Burley Road

Takeaways nearby

Fresh Bakery 19 Hyde Park Road
Alkhaleej 27 Hyde Park Road
Zaks 48 Woodsley Road
Oscars And Fizanns Grill 30 Woodsley Road
Zaks 48 Woodsley Road

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Royal Park Hotel 39 Queens Road
Northern Snooker Centre 92 Kirkstall Road
Highland Inn 36 - 38 Cavendish Street
The Faversham 1 - 5 Springfield Mount
Left Bank CIC Former St Margarets Church C Of E

The biggest companies: