The LS3 1AB postal code, registered on 1983-03-01, can be found at 53.801015 latitude and -1.556227 longitude. The OS grid ref for this postal code is SE293339 (429326,433948).
There are 676 businesses located within this postal code.
The nearest restaurant is called CH And Co Group Catering Ltd and it is placed 0.001 mile from this postal code. You can visit the closest post office - St Johns, located at the following address: 116 Albion Street, West Yorkshire.
If you have to go to the nearest bank, go to Barclays Bank at 11 Park Square East, only 0.319 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Adils Takeaway, the nearest one within a distance of 0.188 mile. Adils Takeaway is located at the following address: 3 Burley Street. If you need the closest bar, its name is Shenanigans and it is located at the following address: 24 - 26 Great George Street. Shenanigans bar is only 0.133 mile from this postal code.