The LS14 1PQ post code, established on 2003-02-01, can be found at 53.834526 latitude and -1.462545 longitude. The OS grid reference for that post code is SE354377 (435468,437719).
There are 301 firms reported in that post code.
The closest restaurant is IFM At AGFA and it can be found 0.217 mile from that post code. You can use the nearest post office - Skelton Wood, situated under the following address: 40 Whitelaithe Approach, West Yorkshire.
If you seek the closest bank, try Yorkshire Bank at Unit 2, only 0.862 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, try Veronas Pizza, the closest one within a distance of 0.336 mile. Veronas Pizza is situated under the following address: 50 White Laithe Approach. If you feel like visiting the nearest bar, its name is Pendas Arms and it is situated under the following address: Naburn Approach. Pendas Arms bar is just 0.396 mile from that post code.