The LS1 5PS zip code, established on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.798211 latitude and -1.54903 longitude. The OS grid reference for that zip code is SE298336 (429802,433639).
There are 341 businesses reported in that zip code.
The closest restaurant is The Grill On The Square - Blackhouse and it can be found 0.001 mile from that zip code. You can use the nearest post office - St Johns, located at the following address: 116 Albion Street, West Yorkshire.
If you are interested in the closest bank, try Hsbc at 33 Park Row, only 0.098 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, go for Pret A Manger (Infirmary Street), the closest one within a distance of 0.056 mile. Pret A Manger (Infirmary Street) is located at the following address: 10 Infirmary Street. If you are looking for the nearest bar, its name is All Bar One and it is located at the following address: 27 East Parade. All Bar One bar is just 0.026 mile from that zip code.