Basic information

Northing 433520
Easting 429947
Grid Reference SE299335
City/Town Leeds
Latitude 53.797133
Longitude -1.546841
Date Introduced 1999-12-01
The LS1 5AB zip code, established on 1999-12-01, can be found at 53.797133 latitude and -1.546841 longitude. The OS grid reference for the zip code is SE299335 (429947,433520). There are 922 firms registered in the zip code. The closest restaurant is My Cafe - Park Row and it is situated 0.001 mile from the zip code. You can visit the nearest post office - St Johns, located at the following address: 116 Albion Street, West Yorkshire. If you are interested in the closest bank, try Barclays Bank at Barclays Wealth, only 0 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, go for Nourish, the closest one within a distance of 0.057 mile. Nourish is located at the following address: 31 Bond Street. If you are looking for the nearest bar, its name is Head Of Steam and it is located at the following address: 7 Park Row. Head Of Steam bar is just 0.029 mile from the zip code.

Banks nearby

Barclays Bank Barclays Wealth
Lloyds Bank Po Box 96
HSBC 33 Park Row
Santander 10
NatWest 8 Park Row

Restaurants nearby

My Cafe - Park Row Spaces 1F
Banyan 2 The Old Post Office
Loch Fyne Seafood Restaurant 2 The Old Post Office
Jamies Italian 35 Park Row
El Gato Negro Tapas 35 Park Row

Takeaways nearby

Nourish 31 Bond Street
Pret A Manger (Bond Street) 32 Bond Street
Wok To Walk Unit E
Wraps 2 Go 3A Albion Street
Wok And Go 4 Albion Street

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Head Of Steam 7 Park Row
Becketts Bank 28 - 30 Park Row
Tapped 51 Boar Lane
Slug And Lettuce 14 Park Row
Slug And Lettuce 24 - 28 Boar Lane

The biggest companies: