E14 9DG

Basic information

Northing 179548
Easting 537496
Grid Reference TQ374795
City/Town London
Latitude 51.498157
Longitude -0.020595
Date Introduced 2010-03-01
County London
The E14 9DG postal code, registered on 2010-03-01, can be found at 51.498157 latitude and -0.020595 longitude. The OS grid ref for that postal code is TQ374795 (537496,179548). There are 2106 companies registered within that postal code. The nearest restaurant is called Canting Restaurant and it can be found 0.065 mile from that postal code. You can visit the closest post office - Canary Wharf, situated at the following address: 5 Chancellor Passage, Cabot Place East, Greater London. If you need the nearest bank, try Natwest at 54 Marsh Wall, only 0.254 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, try Moldelight, the nearest one within a distance of 0.16 mile. Moldelight is situated at the following address: 40 West Quay Walk. If you seek the closest bar, its name is TapaVino and it is situated at the following address: Ground Floor, Unit 1, Block F, Lincoln Plaza. TapaVino bar is only 0.117 mile from that postal code.

Banks nearby

NatWest 54 Marsh Wall
Lloyds Bank 24-27 Harbour Exchange Square
HSBC 45 Bank Street
NatWest 20 Canada Square
Lloyds Bank Unit 3 Park Pavillion

Restaurants nearby

Canting Restaurant Ground Floor, Talisman Tower
TDO Cafe Bistro Unit 1
Gravalia Unit 1C
Little Green
Roast Wood Coffee

Takeaways nearby

Birch & Bear
Azeez Halal Burgers
FUDL Apartment 1703, Phoenix Heights West

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

TapaVino Ground Floor, Unit 1, Block F, Lincoln Plaza
Pepper Saint Ontiod
The Observatory
Tooke Arms Tooke Arms Public House
All Bar One All Bar One

The biggest companies: