DE24 8ZS

Basic information

Northing 335365
Easting 436524
Grid Reference SK365353
City/Town Derby
Latitude 52.914476
Longitude -1.458294
Date Introduced 2008-11-01
County Derbyshire
The DE24 8ZS postcode, registered on 2008-11-01, can be found at 52.914476 latitude and -1.458294 longitude. The OS grid ref for that postcode is SK365353 (436524,335365). There are 486 companies reported within that postcode. The nearest restaurant is called Junction Cafe @ SNC-Lavalin and it can be found 0.043 mile from that postcode. You can use the closest post office - Derby City, situated at the following address: Babington Court, Babington Lane. If you have to use the nearest bank, visit Santander at 93-95, St Peters Street, only 0.963 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, go for Station Fish Bar, the nearest one within a distance of 0.368 mile. Station Fish Bar is situated at the following address: 25 Railway Terrace. If you are looking for the closest bar, its name is The Merry Widows and it is situated at the following address: 24 Railway Terrace. The Merry Widows bar is only 0.342 mile from that postcode.

Transport companies nearby


Banks nearby

Santander 93-95
Nationwide 2 Albion Street
The Co-operative Bank 31 East Street
Halifax 39 East Street
Santander 72

Restaurants nearby

Junction Cafe @ SNC-Lavalin Pride Parkway
Seven Restaurant and Cafe Bar Wheelwright Way
Nicco Restaurant and Bar
Caterlink at Derby College Johnson Building
Caterlink at Derby College The Roundhouse

Takeaways nearby

Station Fish Bar
Chef Express
Kings Pizza
Kings Pizza
Station Fish Bar

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Merry Widows 24 Railway Terrace
The Waterfall Midland Railway Institute Building
The Merry Widows
The Brunswick Inn 1 Railway Terrace
Victoria Inn

The biggest companies: