The CV1 2FL postcode, established on 1980-01-01, can be found at 52.402128 latitude and -1.513725 longitude. The OS grid reference for the postcode is SP331783 (433181,278346).
There are 343 businesses registered within the postcode.
The closest restaurant is Starbucks Plat 1 & Pumpkin Plat 2&3 and it is situated 0.033 mile from the postcode. You can visit the closest post office - Warwick Road, situated under the following address: 5 Central Buildings, Warwick Road, West Midlands.
If you seek the closest bank, go to The Co-Operative Bank at 6 Warwick Row, only 0.234 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Coffee #1, the closest one within a distance of 0.039 mile. Coffee #1 is situated under the following address: Ground Floor. If you are looking for the closest bar, its name is Ballentines at The Quadrant Club and it is situated under the following address: 7 The Quadrant. Ballentines at The Quadrant Club bar is just 0.196 mile from the postcode.