The CR8 5HB zip code, established on 1990-07-01, can be found at 51.310642 latitude and -0.098338 longitude. The OS grid ref for this zip code is TQ326585 (532641,158553).
There are 389 firms reported under this zip code.
The closest restaurant is called Kenley Kindergarten and it is placed 0.705 mile from this zip code. You can use the most adjacent post office - Whyteleafe, situated under the following address: 217 Godstone Road.
If you have to go to the closest bank, visit Barclays Bank at 11 Limpsfield Road, only 1.979 miles away. When you need a takeaway, go for Kebab Masters, the closest one within a distance of 0.971 mile. Kebab Masters is situated under the following address: 228c Godstone Road. If you want to visit the most adjacent bar, its name is Whyteleafe Tavern and it is situated under the following address: 208 Godstone Road. Whyteleafe Tavern bar is only 0.971 mile from this zip code.