CM20 1YS

Basic information

Northing 210089
Easting 544454
Grid Reference TL444100
City/Town London
Latitude 51.770843
Longitude 0.092165
Date Introduced 1982-03-01
County Essex County
The CM20 1YS postcode, registered on 1982-03-01, can be found at 51.770843 latitude and 0.092165 longitude, in Essex County county. The OS grid reference for the postcode is TL444100 (544454,210089). There are 1963 businesses situated in the postcode. The nearest restaurant is King Du Noodle Bar and it is situated 0.015 mile from the postcode. You can use the nearest post office - Harlow, located under the following address: 1 Stone Cross. If you have to use the nearest bank, try Natwest at Po Box 27, only 0.042 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, go for Domino's Pizza, the nearest one within a distance of 0.042 mile. Domino's Pizza is located under the following address: 13 West Gate. If you seek the nearest bar, its name is The William Aylmer (J D Wetherspoon) and it is located under the following address: 2 Aylmer House. The William Aylmer (J D Wetherspoon) bar is only 0.035 mile from the postcode.

Banks nearby

NatWest Po Box 27
Lloyds Bank 25 East Gate
Nationwide 36A Broad Walk
HSBC 34 Broad Walk
Halifax Unit 3

Restaurants nearby

King Du Noodle Bar 1-3 West Square
King Du Noodle Bar Restaurant 1-3 West Square
Cafe Elite 5 The Rows
Cafe Elite 5 The Rows
Painted Lady Restaurant 1 The Rows

Takeaways nearby

Domino's Pizza 13 West Gate
Domino's Pizza 13 West Gate
Fancy Fry 8 Market House
Fancy Fry 8 Market House
The Kebabery 9 Market House

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The William Aylmer (J D Wetherspoon) 2 Aylmer House
JD Wetherspoon 2 Aylmer House
Seen Nightclub 3 The Rows
Seen Nightclub 3 The Rows
Coyote Bar 1 The Rows

The biggest companies: