The CM2 6JB zip code, implemented on 1988-03-01, can be found at 51.734161 latitude and 0.479083 longitude, in Essex County county. The OS grid reference for that zip code is TL712068 (571286,206847).
There are 994 companies registered in that zip code.
The nearest restaurant is Sweet Pea Cafe and it can be found 0.056 mile from that zip code. You can visit the nearest post office - Chelmsford, situated at 73 - 75 High Street.
If you have to go to the nearest bank, try Rbs at 26 High Street, only 0.236 mile away. When you need a takeaway, try Yo To Go Chelmsford 1, the nearest one within a distance of 0.085 mile. Yo To Go Chelmsford 1 is situated at Tesco Stores. If you feel like visiting the nearest bar, its name is Two Brewers and it is situated at 80 Springfield Road. Two Brewers bar is only 0.056 mile from that zip code.