CF72 8NG

Basic information

Northing 180134
Easting 307996
Grid Reference ST079801
City/Town Cardiff
Latitude 51.512619
Longitude -3.32721
Date Introduced 1995-07-01
County Wales
The CF72 8NG post code, registered on 1995-07-01, can be found at 51.512619 latitude and -3.32721 longitude. The OS grid ref for the post code is ST079801 (307996,180134). There are 287 firms reported within the post code. The nearest restaurant is called Antonio Castaldo at Craigau Golf Club and it is situated 0.984 mile from the post code. You can use the closest post office - Creigiau, situated at the following address: Cardiff Road, South Glamorgan. If you seek the nearest bank, go to Lloyds Bank at 39 Cowbridge Road, only 3.49 miles away. When you need a takeaway, try Subway Cardiffwest, the nearest one within a distance of 1.117 miles. Subway Cardiffwest is situated at the following address: Cardiff West Services. If you feel like visiting the closest bar, its name is The Creigiau Inn and it is situated at the following address: Creigiau Inn Station Road. The Creigiau Inn bar is only 0.824 mile from the post code.

Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 39 Cowbridge Road
Lloyds Bank 35-37 Talbot Road
Barclays Bank Branch - Talbot Green
HSBC 16 Ely Valley Road
NatWest Ely Valley Road

Restaurants nearby

Antonio Castaldo at Craigau Golf Club Creigiau Golf Club Heol Creigiau
Creigiau Golf Club (Fairway Catering) Creigiau Golf Club Heol Creigiau
Caesars Arms Caesars Arms
Vales Restaurant Renishaw Plc Miskin Business Park
Caesars Arms Caesars Arms Public House Heol Creigiau

Takeaways nearby

Subway Cardiffwest Cardiff West Services
Subway Cardiffwest Cardiff West Services
China Village
Southgate Takeaway
Shaz's Original Indian Takeaway Llantwit House

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Creigiau Inn Creigiau Inn Station Road
The Creigiau Inn Creigiau Inn
Dynevor Arms
Miskin Manor Cricket Club
Pentyrch Rfc Pentyrch R F C Penuel Road

The biggest companies: