CF23 9AF

Basic information

Northing 178325
Easting 321088
Grid Reference ST210783
City/Town Cardiff
Latitude 51.498339
Longitude -3.138186
Date Introduced 1999-06-01
County Wales
The CF23 9AF postal code, introduced on 1999-06-01, can be found at 51.498339 latitude and -3.138186 longitude. The OS grid ref for this postal code is ST210783 (321088,178325). There are 138 businesses registered under this postal code. The closest restaurant is called Starbucks Drive Thru and it is placed 0.099 mile from this postal code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Tweedsmuir Road, situated at 39 Tweedsmuir Road, Tremorfa, South Glamorgan. If you have to use the closest bank, go to Metro Bank at 507 Newport Road, only 0.202 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, try Greggs Plc, the closest one within a distance of 0.006 mile. Greggs Plc is situated at Unit 7 Avenue Retail Park. If you want to visit the most adjacent bar, its name is Rumney Conservative Club Ltd and it is situated at Rumney Conservative Club, 633 Newport Road. Rumney Conservative Club Ltd bar is only 0.364 mile from this postal code.

Banks nearby

Metro Bank 507 Newport Road
HSBC 794 Newport Road
Lloyds Bank 802 Newport Road
Barclays Bank 781 Newport Road
Barclays Bank Branch - Roath Park

Restaurants nearby

Starbucks Drive Thru Drive Thru, 376 Newport Road
McDonalds 378 Newport Road
Frankie & Benny's 372A Newport Road
Five Guys 372A Newport Road
Frankie & Benny's Frankie & Benny's Land Adjacen

Takeaways nearby

Greggs Plc Unit 7 Avenue Retail Park
Greggs Plc Greggs Unit 7, Avenue Retail Park Newport Road
Ivy Protein Bar Porcelanosa Western Ltd, 360 Newport Road
Desi Snack 619 Newport Road
Global Food Centre 2 Storrar Road

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Rumney Conservative Club Ltd Rumney Conservative Club, 633 Newport Road
St Albans Rugby Football Sports & Social Club St Albans Athletic & Social Cl
St Albans Rugby Football Sports & Social Club St Albans Athletic And Social Club, Tremorfa Park Whitaker Road
The Old Cross Inn Ye Cross Inn, 783 Newport Road
The Old Cross Inn Ye Cross Inn

The biggest companies: