CF14 4NR

Basic information

Northing 180261
Easting 316818
Grid Reference ST168802
City/Town Cardiff
Latitude 51.51513
Longitude -3.200142
Date Introduced 1999-06-01
County Wales
The CF14 4NR postcode, implemented on 1999-06-01, can be found at 51.51513 latitude and -3.200142 longitude. The OS grid reference for the a.m. postcode is ST168802 (316818,180261). There are 158 firms situated in the a.m. postcode. The nearest restaurant is St Andrews Methodist Church Luncheon Club and it is located 0.187 mile from the a.m. postcode. You can use the nearest post office - Birchgrove, located under the following address: 54 Birchgrove Road, Birchgrove, Cardiff. If you are interested in the nearest bank, go to Barclays Bank at 2/4 Heathwood Road, only 0.261 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try The Fisheries, the nearest one within a distance of 0.207 mile. The Fisheries is located under the following address: 127 Caerphilly Road. If you are looking for the nearest bar, its name is County Conservative Club and it is located under the following address: 161 - 163 Caerphilly Road. County Conservative Club bar is just 0.145 mile from the a.m. postcode.

Banks nearby

Barclays Bank 2/4 Heathwood Road
NatWest University Hospital Of Wales
HSBC 32 Merthyr Road
Lloyds Bank 29 Kimberley Terrace
Lloyds Bank 9 Penlline Road

Restaurants nearby

St Andrews Methodist Church Luncheon Club St Andrews Methodist Church Caerphilly Road
Mr Tikka
Mojo Lounge
Jenu Cardiff 109 - 111 Caerphilly Road
Greek Village 110 Caerphilly Road

Takeaways nearby

The Fisheries 127 Caerphilly Road
Wok to Go
Wok & Go
Wok to Go 110 Caerphilly Road

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

County Conservative Club 161 - 163 Caerphilly Road
Diablo Bar And Grill 109 - 111 Caerphilly Road
Birchgrove Hotel 1 - 3 Birchgrove Road
The New Inn New Inn
The Birchgrove 1 - 3 Birchgrove Road