Basic information

Northing 172662
Easting 359313
Grid Reference ST593726
City/Town Bristol
Latitude 51.451474
Longitude -2.586915
Date Introduced 2011-06-01
County Bristol
The BS1 6DP zip code, registered on 2011-06-01, can be found at 51.451474 latitude and -2.586915 longitude. The OS grid reference for that zip code is ST593726 (359313,172662). There are 254 companies located under that zip code. The nearest restaurant is Marco's Olive Branch and it can be found 0.001 mile from that zip code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - The Galleries, situated under the following address: Castle Gallery, Broadmead, City Of Bristol. If you seek the nearest bank, try Virgin Money at Unit 2 Transom House, Victoria Street, only 0.043 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Subway, the nearest one within a distance of 0.048 mile. Subway is situated under the following address: 8 Transom House. If you feel like visiting the most adjacent bar, its name is Ye Shakespeare and it is situated under the following address: Ye Shakespeare. Ye Shakespeare bar is only 0.001 mile from that zip code.

Banks nearby

Virgin Money Unit 2 Transom House
Barclays Bank Barclays Wealth
Barclays Bank 15 Queen Square
Leeds Building Society Wine Street
RBS 36/38 Baldwin Street

Restaurants nearby

Marco's Olive Branch
Cafe Unite Tony Benn House
Cegin Bristol Tony Benn House
The Daily Bite 1 Transom House
Philpotts Transom House

Takeaways nearby

Subway 8 Transom House
Philpotts Limited 9-10 Transom House
Puffin Catering Suite 8,
The Sandwich Box
VoyageVert c/o Entrepenurial Spark

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Ye Shakespeare Ye Shakespeare
Ye Shakespeare Ye Shakespeare
The Kings Head The Kings Head
The Cornubia The Cornubia
Left Handed Giant Compressor Building

The biggest companies: