The BN3 4AN post code, registered on 2000-12-01, can be found at 50.830928 latitude and -0.207975 longitude. The OS grid reference for that post code is TQ262050 (526298,105018).
There are 187 firms located in that post code.
The nearest restaurant is PJ's Cafe and it can be found 0.031 mile from that post code. You can visit the nearest post office - Portslade, situated under the following address: 37 - 38 Station Road.
If you seek the nearest bank, go to Lloyds Bank at 57-58 Station Road, only 0.069 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, try Porky's, the nearest one within a distance of 0.031 mile. Porky's is situated under the following address: 53 Station Road. If you feel like visiting the nearest bar, its name is Blue Anchor and it is situated under the following address: 81 Station Road. Blue Anchor bar is just 0.031 mile from that post code.