The B24 9ND postcode, established on 1980-01-01, can be found at 52.517646 latitude and -1.823588 longitude. The OS grid ref for the postcode is SP120910 (412068,291099).
There are 1389 businesses located under the postcode.
The closest restaurant is called Marlos Desserts and it is situated 0.124 mile from the postcode. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Kingsbury Road, located under the following address: 624 Kingsbury Road, West Midlands.
If you are interested in the closest bank, go to Hsbc at 56 High Street, only 0.886 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Kingsbury Fish Bar, the closest one within a distance of 0.001 mile. Kingsbury Fish Bar is located under the following address: 590 Kingsbury Road. If you seek the most adjacent bar, its name is Hollyfield Centre Club and it is located under the following address: Woodacre Road. Hollyfield Centre Club bar is just 0.323 mile from the postcode.