The B16 8PE zip code, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 52.471679 latitude and -1.924039 longitude. The OS grid reference for the zip code is SP052859 (405257,285974).
There are 590 businesses located in the zip code.
The closest restaurant is Starbucks - Unit 1 and it is situated 0.001 mile from the zip code. You can visit the nearest post office - Edgbaston, situated under the following address: 13 - 15 Islington Row, West Midlands.
If you have to go to the closest bank, try Barclays Bank at 38 Hagley Road, only 0 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, go for Pizza Hut - Unit 3, the closest one within a distance of 0.001 mile. Pizza Hut - Unit 3 is situated under the following address: 30 Hagley Road. If you need the nearest bar, its name is British Medical Institute and it is situated under the following address: 36 Harborne Road. British Medical Institute bar is just 0.09 mile from the zip code.