B1 1BD

Basic information

Northing 286785
Easting 406675
Grid Reference SP066867
City/Town Birmingham
Latitude 52.478955
Longitude -1.903148
Date Introduced 1985-04-01
The B1 1BD postal code, established on 1985-04-01, can be found at 52.478955 latitude and -1.903148 longitude. The OS grid ref for this postal code is SP066867 (406675,286785). There are 1120 firms registered under this postal code. The closest restaurant is called City Of Birmingham and it is placed 0.041 mile from this postal code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Birmingham, located at the following address: 1 Pinfold Street, West Midlands. If you seek the closest bank, visit Santander at 69, New Street, only 0.113 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, try Greggs, the closest one within a distance of 0.061 mile. Greggs is located at the following address: 85 New Street. If you need the most adjacent bar, its name is England Ale Bar and it is located at the following address: Birmingham International Food Festival. England Ale Bar bar is only 0.001 mile from this postal code.

Banks nearby

Santander 69
Halifax 71 New Street
Lloyds Bank 114-116 Colmore Row
The Co-operative Bank 118/120 Colmore Row
Nationwide 19 Bennett's Hill

Restaurants nearby

City Of Birmingham Town Hall
First West Coast Rail Ltd Birmingham Office
Tortilla 82-83 New Street
Eat Ltd 82-83 New Street
Extrawurst 80 New Street

Takeaways nearby

Greggs 85 New Street
Best Bites 84 New Street
Fat Burgers 92-93 New Street
Snowflakes and Pumpkin 87 Navigation Street
Pieminister New Oxford House

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

England Ale Bar Birmingham International Food Festival
The Chameleon 1 Victoria Square
Fox and Chance 45 Pinfold Street
Theatrix 130 Colmore Row
The Yardbird Paradise Place

The biggest companies: