The business is based in London with reg. no. 00038904. It was established in the year 1893. The main office of the firm is located at Hill House 1 Little New Street. The postal code is EC4A 3TR. The company's principal business activity number is 74990 and their NACE code stands for Non-trading company. 2022-03-31 is the last time company accounts were reported.
Regarding to this specific company, the majority of director's assignments have so far been carried out by Joseph T., Respina Z., Fred M. and Chungu S.. As for these four people, Chungu S. has been with the company the longest, having been one of the many members of company's Management Board for ten years. Furthermore, the director's assignments are constantly aided with by a secretary - Mwendabai M., who was officially appointed by the company in 2021.