The enterprise named Zell Solar Street Lighting was created on 2017/02/22 as a private limited company. The enterprise headquarters was based in Oldham on 7 Victoria Street, Lees. The address post code is OL4 4ND. The company registration number for Zell Solar Street Lighting Limited was 10632430. Zell Solar Street Lighting Limited had been in business for 7 years up until dissolution date on 2024/07/30.
When it comes to the business, a number of director's responsibilities have so far been met by Dennis M. and Stephen R.. When it comes to these two managers, Dennis M. had carried on with the business for the longest time, having become a part of company's Management Board on February 2017.
Dennis M. was the individual who had control over this firm, owned over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares .