Whitesales Group has been operating on the market for 11 years. Registered under company registration number 09187485, it is registered as a Private Limited Company. You can contact the headquarters of this firm during its opening hours at the following location: Europa House Alfold Road, GU6 8NQ Cranleigh. The company debuted under the name Ws Holdings (UK), but for the last 8 years has been on the market under the name Whitesales Group Limited. The firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 82990 and their NACE code stands for Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. Whitesales Group Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2022-12-31. Its most recent confirmation statement was filed on 2022-11-16.
The details that details this specific firm's executives indicates a leadership of six directors: Benjamin W., Timothy W., Paul W. and 3 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of our website who became members of the Management Board on 22nd August 2014.