Women In Dialogue Limited,registered as Private Limited Company, based in 114 Verdant Lane, Lewisham in London. It's zip code SE6 1LG. This business 's been 19 years in the UK. The business reg. no. is 06029036. The company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 85590 - Other education not elsewhere classified. The business most recent accounts were submitted for the period up to 2022-12-31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2022-12-14.
The enterprise became a charity on 11th January 1982. It operates under charity registration number 283942. The geographic range of the enterprise's area of benefit is not defined. They provide aid in Throughout London. When it comes to the charity's financial statement, their most prosperous time was in 2011 when they raised £119,719 and their expenditures were £124,305. Women In Dialogue Ltd engages in human rights / religious or racial harmony, training and education and training and education. It strives to improve the situation of other definied groups, other voluntary organisations or charities, other definied groups. It provides help to the above agents by sponsoring or conducting research, sponsoring or conducting research and granting money to individuals. If you wish to get to know more about the charity's undertakings, call them on the following number 0207 482 2496 or see their official website.
Jasmine H. and Noreen H. are the company's directors and have been cooperating as the Management Board since 2007.