Windle Trust International may be reached at 37a Oxford Road, Cowley in Oxford. The firm area code is OX4 2EN. Windle Trust International has been operating in this business since it was registered in 2001. The firm reg. no. is 04285691. From 2002-09-23 Windle Trust International is no longer under the business name Windle Trust Uk. The firm's SIC code is 85600 which stands for Educational support services. The business latest accounts cover the period up to December 31, 2022 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on August 8, 2023.
On Wed, 18th Mar 2015, the corporation was searching for a Administrator to fill a vacancy in Cowley. They offered a job with wage from £19000.00 to £21000.00 per year.
The enterprise was registered as a charity on Mon, 8th Jul 2002. It operates under charity registration number 1092834. The geographic range of the company's activity is worldwide and it provides aid in multiple places around Throughout England And Wales, Kenya, Republic Of South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Scotland. As concerns the charity's financial situation, their most prosperous period was in 2013 when they raised 3,187,525 pounds and they spent 3,172,034 pounds. Windle Trust International engages in training and education, training and education, the sphere of religious activities. It works to support other definied groups, other definied groups. It helps its beneficiaries by the means of providing various services, making donations to organisations and providing various services. In order to get to know something more about the charity's activity, dial them on this number 01865 712900 or check their official website.
Given the following enterprise's size, it was vital to formally appoint extra directors, namely: Richard A., Ian C., Sarah J. who have been assisting each other since 2024 for the benefit of this firm.