Wherry Housing Association Limited

General information


Wherry Housing Association Ltd

Office Address:

Thorpe Lodge Yarmouth Rd NR7 0DU Norwich

Number: IP26622R

Incorporation date: 1989-05-01

Category: Industrial And Provident Society

Status: Active


Data updated on:

Wherry Housing Association Limited is located at Norwich at Thorpe Lodge. You can find the firm by referencing its post code - NR7 0DU. Wherry Housing Association's incorporation dates back to 1989. This firm is registered under the number IP26622R and company's last known status is active.

We have identified 2 councils and public departments cooperating with the company. The biggest counter party of them all is the Broadland District, with over 4 transactions from worth at least 500 pounds each, amounting to £94,826 in total. The company also worked with the Birmingham City (1 transaction worth £500 in total). Wherry Housing Association was the service provided to the Broadland District Council covering the following areas: Capital Grants & Contributions.

Accounts Documents

Confirmation statement next due date 15 May 2018

Company's financial transactions

Known transactions over £500 with government entities

Choose year:
Year / Transaction date Council / Department / Transaction ID No. of trans. Total trans. value
2013 Birmingham City 1 £ 500.00
2013-11-22 3149429073 £ 500.00
2010 Broadland District 4 £ 94 826.04
2010-10-13 XHA05/0530 £ 46 487.00 Capital Grants & Contributions
2010-05-19 XHA06/0530 £ 20 000.00 Capital Grants & Contributions
2010-10-13 XHASH/0530/PRG07 £ 18 513.00 Capital Grants & Contributions

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