This enterprise called Wcs Chimneys And Stoves was created on Wed, 16th Nov 2022 as a Private Limited Company. This business's head office can be found at Sidcup on 12 Hatherley Road. When you have to get in touch with this company by mail, its postal code is DA14 4BG. The registration number for Wcs Chimneys And Stoves Limited is 14489427. The firm currently known as Wcs Chimneys And Stoves Limited was known as Wcs Chimney Sweeps up till Thu, 16th Feb 2023 at which point the name was replaced. This business's principal business activity number is 81223 and has the NACE code: Furnace and chimney cleaning services.
Our information that details this specific firm's personnel implies there are two directors: Tony W. and Ricky W. who became members of the Management Board on Mon, 29th Jan 2024 and Wed, 16th Nov 2022.
Ricky W. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.