Waves (gosforth) began its business in the year 2002 as a Private Limited Company registered with number: 04566394. The company has operated for twenty two years and it's currently active. The company's head office is situated in Cramlington at 16 Bamborough Court. You can also find this business utilizing its zip code of NE23 7HW. The firm's principal business activity number is 96020 and has the NACE code: Hairdressing and other beauty treatment. Waves (gosforth) Limited filed its account information for the period up to 31st October 2022. Its most recent confirmation statement was filed on 17th October 2023.
Thomas M. is this particular company's solitary managing director, who was assigned to lead the company in 2002 in October. This company had been directed by Sarah M. up until June 2015.
Thomas M. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.