Warren Engineering Limited is categorised as Private Limited Company, that is registered in Birkbeck Road, Sidcup, Kent. The company's post code is DA14 4DB. The enterprise 's been seventy two years on the market. The Companies House Reg No. is 00513354. This company's SIC and NACE codes are 25620 and their NACE code stands for Machining. The most recent filed accounts documents describe the period up to 2022-12-31 and the latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-02-20.
With regards to this particular company, the full scope of director's tasks have so far been fulfilled by Paul G. who was chosen to lead the company on 1998-03-16. Since 1992-02-20 Mavis W., had been fulfilling assigned duties for this company until the resignation in February 2000. In addition another director, including Antony W. quit 24 years ago. To support the directors in their duties, this company has been utilizing the skills of Maureen G. as a secretary since the appointment on 1998-03-16.