04593943 is the reg. no. used by Warden Hill (totland Bay Iw) Management Company Limited. The firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2002-11-19. The firm has been operating on the market for the last twenty two years. The company may be gotten hold of in 30 Chatfield Lodge in Newport. The office's area code assigned to this place is PO30 1XR. This company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 74990 meaning Non-trading company. Its most recent accounts describe the period up to 2022-11-30 and the latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2022-11-19.
Carole W. is the enterprise's solitary managing director, that was selected to lead the company in 2017. The company had been guided by Ann M. up until 7 years ago. As a follow-up another director, including Ricki K. gave up the position in April 2011. At least one secretary in this firm is a limited company, specifically Ccpm (iw) Ltd.