Victoria Rising Limited is established as Private Limited Company, that is based in 136 Victoria Rise, London in Clapham. It's located in SW4 0NW. This business 's been twenty five years in the UK. The business registration number is 03720404. The business name of the company was replaced in 1999 to Victoria Rising Limited. This business former registered name was Tunco (1999) 106. This enterprise's declared SIC number is 98000: Residents property management. Thursday 30th June 2022 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
Considering this enterprise's growing number of employees, it became vital to acquire new directors, to name just a few: Bridget D., Fiona M., Philip S. who have been collaborating since September 2018 to promote the success of this specific limited company. In addition, the managing director's assignments are backed by a secretary - Philip S., who was selected by this specific limited company in May 1999.
Philip S. is the individual who controls this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.