03044931 is a reg. no. used by Veenus Limited. The company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 1995-04-11. The company has been present in this business for twenty nine years. The company could be contacted at Suite 16 Beaufort Court Admirals Way South Quay in Docklands. The head office's post code assigned is E14 9XL. The firm name is Veenus Limited. The enterprise's former associates may remember this firm as Braydom, which was used up till 1995-09-01. The enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 79909 - Other reservation service activities n.e.c.. 2022-09-30 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
On 2016-03-08, the corporation was looking for a Sales/Operations Administrator/Co-ordinator to fill a position in Windsor. They offered a job with wage from £18000.00 to £22000.00 per year.
Right now, this particular company is directed by one director: Ranjiv B., who was appointed in 1995. This company had been governed by Monisha B. up until April 2001. What is more, the managing director's responsibilities are often supported by a secretary - Monisha B., who joined the following company in April 2022.